Disaster Preparedness
The importance of being prepared for a natural disaster seems ever present on our minds at the moment. Whether this be the onslaught on hurricane force winds and rain to earthquakes with the destructive power to level homes and destroy lives there is no reason we can’t all be prepared as best we can with both supplies and a game plan should the worst happen.
Disasters are universal and can happen at any time. Case in point – the two earthquakes that just hit our southern neighbors in Mexico killing 50+ innocent people. When disaster strikes, you may have to be able to survive on your own for 72 hours or more without access to power, food, or transportation. You also should think about your own situation and what additional needs you might have. Being as prepared as possible for you, your loved ones and your pets may be the difference between surviving a natural disaster or becoming a worst case victim of one.
Take the steps now to ensure you are prepared and to mitigate any potential challenges and problems you could be faced with.
The Valei team is here to help with suggestions and ideas on how to be prepared and who to contact to assist you in preparing your home and loved ones. There are many resources out there with information, ideas and supplies that you can purchase to ensure you are comfortably prepared. Check out this 2 and 4 person Premium Family Emergency Survival Bag with 72 hours of disaster preparedness supplies: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0716C873B/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_WizWzbKA9Q2BT
This is retailing for $299 for the 4 person kit and $193.75 for the 2 person kit. The Valei team is here to assist in helping you get your home organized and for a limited time / only while Amazon supplies are available Valei will purchase the kit of your choice and ensure this is delivered to your home for you. Valei will then make a donation to our local chapter of the American Red Cross whose work and efforts of late across the United States and the world has been so valuable to so many. The American Red Cross Desert to the Sea Region serves Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. As one of Southern California’s leading non-profit agencies, the Desert to the Sea Region serves a total of 128 cities and unincorporated areas and over 7,900,000 people.
If you contact Valei right away we will purchase the 4 person kit for you for $400 and the 2 person kit for $300 but again only while supplies last and for a limited time.
Here is a great guide that has some great ideas and resources to help ensure you are prepared: http://www.redcross.org/local/california/desert-to-the-sea/local-programs-services/prepare-so-cal
Remember with just a few steps you can ensure you are safe and ready for what comes next. Don’t get caught unprepared. Be ready to ensure you and your loved ones are safe. Check out this site for useful tips and ideas as well: https://www.ready.gov
Thank you.