Home Sanitation Treatment

The days of COVID-19 have been challenging, but Valei remains steadfast in its effort to ensure our client’s homes and personal spaces are to the highest standard of clean and sanitary.
We are very excited to announce that Valei is now providing a specialized home sanitation treatment that extends beyond our typical home cleaning care standards. This service is administered via an electrostatic fogger and “mechanically kills” 99.999% of all pathogens, bacteria, bacterial spores, and viruses (including COVID 19).
mechanically kills 99.99% of all pathogens, bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19
The disinfectant is sprayed, dries and in 60 seconds, has no chemical smell, doesn’t need to be wiped up and will NOT damage any home assets. It’s also hypoallergenic, eco-friendly, food safe and is a non caustic treatment. Valei is the only home services company in North America with exclusive access to these products for our homeowner clients. This service is only available on a first come first serve basis so we encourage those clients who are interested to please contact us at your earliest availability so we can get your treatment scheduled.
More Information & FAQs
Valei is working directly with 1st Place Science and its proprietary disinfectant which has been an EPA approved disinfectant since 2005. 1st Place Science Disinfectant is hospital grade yet mild enough to be classified as a Schedule 4 by EPA and is hypoallergenic. This disinfectant is also currently used by American Airlines, El Al, FBI, Walmart retailers, LSU and many hospitals throughout the US.
1st Place Science Disinfectant that is both a BACTERICIDE and a VIRUCIDE. This treatment also eliminates bedbugs, fleas, tick, lice and more. The treatment is 100% effective, hypoallergenic, non-toxic, chemical free, and eco-friendly so it is safe for our families, and pets.
This is not just a toxic poison that kills the weak and promotes the breeding of stronger pathogens – it deconstructs the cellular ability of the pathogen to survive, penetrates their bio film and the pathogen has no defense. It kills both Gram-Negative & Gram-Positive Nosocomial Bacteria, Viruses, Molds Mildew, Fungi, MRSA, Flu, Parvo, HIV-1, HBV, Swine Flu, Salmonella and much more. 1st Place Science Disinfectant is also EPA approved for spraying into HVAC ducts. It doesn’t require any kind of PPE to administer and is non caustic.
Mechanically Kills 99.999% of Pathogens
• No need for highly caustic poisonous chemicals
Mechanically Eliminates Bio-Film
• No requirement to scrub, rub, or wipe
Does not need to be wiped up
• Treatment of 100% of client property
• 60 second dry time for max kill
Cost Efficient Application
• One person can disinfect 5,000 square feet in 30 minutes
No Personal Protective Equipment
• May be used in the presence of your family and pets
Hypoallergenic and Fragrance Free
Eliminates Odors
• Does not cover Odors but deconstructs them
Kitchen Surface Approved
• Cutting Board Approved
HVAC Approved
• HVAC system helps circulate the disinfectant – while circulating, it disinfects the HVAC
• Non-Combustible
Non Caustic
Disinfectant Efficacy With:
• 99.999% killing power
• Does not need to be scrub, rub or wiped up
• Eco-Friendly – no environmental impact
• Hypoallergenic
• No Toxic Chemical Build up
• No caustic destruction of property
Broad Application Methodology
• Unrestricted application throughout your home.
• Administered through electrostatic foggers for fast efficient broad distribution
FAQS: Does the Disinfectant kill Covid-19?
Answer: Yes, on the 1st Place Science label it shows the disinfectant is a Virucide. Covid-19 is a virus as well as other viruses. A virucide is any physical or chemical agent that deactivates or destroys viruses. This differs from an antiviral drug, which inhibits the proliferation of the virus. Virucides are intended for use on surfaces, not humans. Virucides are currently being used as cleaning agents in airports to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Does the Disinfectant kill bacteria?
Answer: Yes, on the 1st Place Science label it shows the disinfectant is a bactericide. A bactericide or bacteriocide, sometimes abbreviated Bcidal, is a substance that kills bacteria. Bactericides are disinfectants, antiseptics, or antibiotics.
Can you use the disinfectant to clean mold and mildew?
Answer: Yes, the label show the disinfectant can be used to clean mold and mildew.
Does the disinfectant kill fungus and spores?
Answer: Yes, on the 1st Place Science label it shows the disinfectant is fungicide. Fungicides are biocidal chemical compounds or biological organisms used to kill parasitic fungi or their spores. A fungistatic inhibits their growth.