Professional Tips Series – Why it is important to be on time.
Definition of LATE
later; latest
1a (1) :coming or remaining after the due, usual, or proper time
- a late spring
- was late for class
-Merriam Webster Dictionary Definition
Tardiness seems to be on the rise of late for one reason or another in the working world today. People are chronically late for work, for appointments, for commitments made. Of course things pop up unexpectedly all the time but it is how we handle these that say a great deal about who we are as professionals. Punctuality is by far one of the best ways we can positively brand ourselves. It’s also not like this is a new phenomenon either. There is a wealth of information out there online, in books and entire industries that have cropped up to help us manage our time more effectively.
At Valei we treat time as all important.
Why? For several reasons. We believe that our client’s time and those of our business partners in success who are a part of the Valei program are to be respected at all costs. That this focus indicates that we honor our commitments and that Valei can be trusted. We also know that being on time as one of the pillars of our Valei culture builds self confidence and in time leads to greater success not only for our business but also for our partners and the Valei team.
What to do if you can’t make an appointment?
Communicate clearly why you can’t make your appointment. Let the other party know the reason (and always be honest) but always be aware that people don’t like excuses. Let them know what your proposed game plan is (propose you reschedule and or let them know your new ETA). And most importantly apologize sincerely. Communicating this way also allows the other party the opportunity to reschedule as well.
There are lots of great reasons also for arriving early. You’re better organized, calm and collected. As a general rule always shoot to be 5 minutes early for your appointment.
One of the common attributes of all success stories is that being on time is all important. If this is a first meeting with a new client for example being on time will say a lot about you as a professional and who you are as a business. And remember the golden rule – treat others as who expect to be treated.
Thank you.